dayy2023 發表於 2023-1-20 19:40:00

KHung @)

KHung @)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Went to KHung last week (and again this week actually)
Didnt really picked anyone, so randomly assigned by their staff there
first one came in.... !!... i was scare of her hair... so i rejected
then it s !)^, actually she was ok but i was fussy and wanted to see one more
then it came @)... um.... i thought... ok i made too much trouble so better settle down
ok let s start
when i looked closer to her she actually looked like a man... but anyway
part one was great actually, she had been doing normal massage (hahaha are we doing those abnormal ones?) for a while, so that was quite enjoyable
part 2 was ok.... havent tried kissing her.... but u can kiss her balls
didnt try it down there neither....
but her RPP was really really good
If you ask me.... i would choose her again for the services... not for her look tho

by the way, her chinese name is WONG TSZ WAH!!!

[ 本帖最初由 kbeanxx 於 2011-4-5 00:59 編纂 ]

earth20011 發表於 2023-9-29 08:24:45


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